Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day 6 - Yo Adrian!

Weight: 208
Body Fat: 26%

I'll address my weight gain briefly. Last night I ate too much chicken, bad, yes. But these things happen. At least its allowed on the South Beach Diet. Brief, huh?

On to the promised "Big Announcement"...

I'm sure that readers of the original Fluff to Buff enjoyed the drama of the competition it was leading up to. It was the thrill of the chase. The rhythmic give and take. The lead up to a big finale.

Well readers, today is your lucky day. A challenger has emerged. Less because I respect his privacy and more because it pleases me to bestow upon him a moniker, he will be refered to in this blog as Ivan Drago. Fans of the Italian Stallion will recognize the name of Rocky's evil Russian opponent in Rocky IV. For the uninitiated I've attached a picture. You have to imagine him as shorter and chubbier, with longer brown hair and a round face.

Ivan called me and left a message on my phone a few days ago challenging me to a diet-off. I think it gives us a glimpse into his tortured soul. He also mentions his blog address, which is worth reading. You must imagine that it is all being said with a Russian accent and vodka breath.

"I have a suggestion, first of all, don’t record your message while you’re driving your car, it’s way too much background noise. Second of all, you’re going down…ummm, I haven’t decided how I’m gonna spell it yet, but my blog is gonna be called theruhlduel.blogspot.com. Third of all, I will eat Big Macs and cheeseburgers and fries and maybe even drink beer and still put you down. We haven’t decided how the criteria for this challenge is gonna go, but you’re gonna lose, there’s no question you’re gonna lose, cause that’s just the way it is. I challenge you to transcript this message and put it out for all to see it, but, you’re going down, that’s all there is to it. That is it."

That wasn't it.

"I just ate 2 hot dogs on one bun with ketchup and bacon bits and it was awful. And I didn’t drink anything af- anything that consisted of beer after I talked to you. I drank vodka sodas. I’m serious. I’m going for a run right now."

After he sobered up, Ivan and I spoke and agreed upon some rules for our challenge. The rules of our challenge are simple: whoever reaches their target weight first wins. Presently, Ivan weighs in at 199.7 pounds, his target weight is 180 pounds. I weigh 208 pounds and my target is 184 pounds. If I lose 24 pounds before Ivan Drago loses 20, I win. If Ivan loses his 20 pounds first, he wins. In spite of his defective commie moral compass, Ivan and I agreed that the weight had to be lost in a sustainable and healthy way. No Nicole Richie action.

The only thing left to do is determine a wager. Neither myself nor Ivan Drago were unable to brainstorm a suitable wager. So, I am appealing to the readers of Fluff to Buff to suggest a suitable wager. The wager could result in the loser awarding a prize to the winner, or in the loser doing something humiliating. Financial consequences are not strictly neccesary. The overriding concern is the entertainment value of the wager. The wager should exalt of the winner or shame the loser, or ideally, do both.

Thanks for bearing with me on this post, it was a long one. I look forward to reading your wager suggestions!


1911john said...

Round face? pshhhhhhhh...not for long, son!

Mike said...

Ivan Drago! Who taught you English?